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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)


How the U.S. Could Prosecute Jamal Khashoggi’s Killers

Lee Bollinger, former president of Columbia University, echoes a suggestion I made last year: U.S. law enforcement could prosecute the killers of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. I wrote here that the use of U.S. communication facilities in furtherance of the crime would give U.S. prosecutors jurisdiction. Writing in The Washington Post Bollinger agrees: The case...

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What Mueller’s Inquiry Means For the Next President

British journalist Jonathan Cook, who writes from Israel/Palestine, draws three lessons from the Mueller investigation, which he calls “an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment.”  That’s a bit glib. It wasn’t a squabble–which is something petty–but it was–and is–a power struggle between two power centers in Washington, the White House and the secret...

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Spanish Judge Seeking Ringleader of North Korea Embassy Attack, Believed to Be in U.S.

The February 22 attack on the North Korean embassy in Madrid is turning into an international incident involving the CIA, FBI, and a Spanish judge who has issued international arrest warrants for the ringleaders who are believed to be in the United States. In the attack, a group of ten men broke into the embassy,...


Who Should I Believe on Trump-Russia?

People are asking me, “Who should I believe?” In the furious debate that has followed Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report, the many consumers of left-liberal (and NeverTrump right) opinion have to choose who is more credible: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey? Or David Corn, Marcy...

John Brennan,

GOP: Welcome to the Collusion Hall of Shame

Marc Thiessen, former aide to Sen. Jesse Helms, voices the Republican response. He says Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page summaryof Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s 300-page report vindicates President Trump. He singles out former CIA director John Brennan Trump was right to revoke Brennan’s security clearance. He is among the worst of the worst, the Trump-Russia...