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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

President Moon

Trump and Moon, Odd Couple, Seek to Save Denuclearization Talks

Despite what Washington hawks wish for, the Korea nuclear talks are not dead. The idea of a deal to end the Korean war, de-escalate the military confrontation between North and South, and denuclearize the Korean peninsula is opposed by John Bolton and, oddly, by many Washington Democrats. Still, South Korean President Moon Jae-in seeks to...

Tulsi Gabbard

Former CIA Officials Woo the 2020 Democrats

Former CIA officials are increasingly willing to inject themselves into presidential politics. Former directors Michael Morrell and John McLaughlin want to educate the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates about national security issues. The 2020 Democratic candidates face some fundamental questions about national security and intelligence issues. Only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have spelled out their...

Drum and Spear - Sq

How the FBI Profiles: From Bookstores to ‘Black Identity Extremists’

Last month Professor Joshua Clark Daniels excavated a forgotten story from the files of the FBI: the Bureau’s surveillance of black-owned bookstores from 1968 to 1974.  Spying on bookstores might seem quaint in the the age of mass surveillance but there is a connection: how U.S. intelligence agencies see and understand their most vocal and...


Rafi Eitan’s Two Nuclear Missions for Mossad

In an obituary of the late Rafi Eitan, Israeli journalist Yossi Melman notes that the legendary Mossad operative played a leading role in another operation obtaining uranium for Israel’s secret nuclear program. I reported last week on Eitan’s role in diverting several hundred pounds of fissile material from a uranium refining facility in Pennysylvania. Melman...