Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Trump Twitter

Trump Says U.S., China and Russia Spend Too Much on Arms (He’s Right)

When President Trump makes comments that are sensible, even to his critics, social media tends to pay little attention. Commentary that crosses tribal lines does not fuel the engine of binary conflict that drives social media engagement. Trump’s critics don’t want to give him credit and his supporters hate his critics, so they don’t want...

Electronic Privacy Information Center Logo

Privacy Group Says DOJ Agrees to ‘Expedite’ Release of Mueller Report

While social media chatter about the Trump-Russia investigation continues with the usual ratio heat to light, the report (300 pages, 400 pages, 687 pages?) remains secret, thanks to Attorney General Bill Barr. Congress wants a copy. So does the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which has sued for the release of the report. On...

Mike Pompeo

Spain Not Satisfied with CIA Answers on Embassy Break-In

The story of the February 22 break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid just keeps “getting more pregnant” as investigative reporters are wont to say. The daytime attack, involving ten men (some of whom escaped via Uber), is rather more entertaining than parsing the Talmudic texts of Barr and Mueller. (Plus, Rachel Maddow doesn’t...

Pete Buttigieg

The AIPAC Test: Buttigieg Is a Thumbs Up

One emerging key issue in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is Israel, and more specifically, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The question for would-be Democratic presidents is: Does AIPAC have too much influence over U.S. policy toward the Middle East? Or is AIPAC’s influence a non-issue? In the social media binary...