Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Julian Assange

Trump Seeks Prosecution of Julian Assange, Pro-Trump Publisher

In December 2010, real estate mogul Donald Trump said Wikileaks, online publisher of leaked documents, was “disgraceful” and suggested the death penalty might be appropriate for its massive disclosure of U.S. government secrets. In the summer of 2016, when Wikileaks began to release hacked Democratic party emails, candidate Trump said “I love Wikileaks.” On Thursday,...

Christopher Steele

Christopher Steele, Student Radical

Diana West, hard-right scribe for the anti-communist Epoch Times, unearths some details about Christopher Steele, author of the famous Steele Dossier, which alleged Russian government agents had targeted candidate Donald Trump to get influence over him. There’s a whole debate about whether the Steele Dossier has been partially confirmed (Lawfare blog) or whether some of...

Benjamin Netanyahu

Three Democratic Candidates Slam Netanyahu Ahead of Israeli Elections

The alienation of Democratic voters from the Israel lobby accelerated after Israeli Prime Minister promised to annex the Palestinian West Bank in the closing days of the Israeli elections Front-runner Bernie Sanders and two of his most charismatic rivals, Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg, immediately criticized Netanyahu’s land grab. O’Rourke called Netanyahu “a racist” and...

President Moon

Moon Jae-in Seeks to Forge Peace on the Korean Peninsula

South Korean president Moon Jae-in will visit President Trump in the White House today, the latest step on his long and winding and still unfinished journey toward the goal on which he has bet his presidency: denuclearization and disarmament on the Korean peninsula. As I’ve said before, parochial Americans, obsessed with the North Korean dictator...