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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Michael Horowitz

Congress to Weigh Surveillance Reforms in Wake of Watchdog Report on FBI 

The report of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has had a big impact on Congress. For the first time in twenty years, lawmakers are considering fundamental reforms to laws authorizing the surveillance of millions of Americans. Once sacrosanct on Capitol Hill, the 2002 Patriot Act and the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) are...

Chrysita Freeland

Canada’s NSA Attacks Consortium News for Accurate Reporting

Last month, Global News,  a Canadian TV network, reported that a leaked 2017  intelligence document stated that the U.S.-based news site, Consortium News, was “part of a cyber-influence campaign directed by Russia.” The document came from the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), Canada’s version of the NSA. In fact, the Consortium News article, written by independent...


Jeff Bezos’ Phone Was Hacked by Saudi Crown Prince, Say British Reports

The Guardian had the scoop first, based on anonymous sources. The FInancial Times confirmed the story citing cybersecurity experts hired by the Amazon mogul. These experts are said to have “medium to high confidence” that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) was involved, says FT. MBS has established a close relationship with President Trump and...

US Capitol

Washington Post: Keep Intelligence Briefings Open to the Public

A stinging tweet from President Trump about the intelligence community’s Capitol Hill public briefing on Iran a year ago has the intel chiefs ducking. According to Politico, U.S. officials have suggested to the House and Senate they testify only behind closed doors. The editors of the Washington Post object. The change would undermine the public...

William Colby

How Late DCI William Colby Saved the CIA, and What That Can Teach Us Today

The back story to President Trump’s feud with the CIA dates back to the 1970s when CIA director William Colby navigated the aftermath of Watergate. That’s when the House and Senate Intelligence Committee’s were created, as well as the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Colby’s efforts to rehabilitate the CIA were not popular in the...