Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Putin Trump

Let’s Compare U.S  and Russian Conspiracy Theories 

Meduza, the independent Russian news site, has an interesting podcast, Naked Pravda, comparing the conspiracy theories that circulate in each country. They’re talking about each other again in Moscow and Washington, often spinning stories that aren’t exactly rooted in facts. Whether it’s Russiagate in the United States or color revolution in Russia and countries across...


U.K. Approves Limited Huawei Technology–and U.S. Signals Approval

In Western intelligence agencies there is no issue more divisive than Huawei, the Chinese telecom sells sophisticated communications technology. The U.S. intelligence community argues that any reliance on Huawei technology is an inherent security risk, given the firm’s connections to the Chinese government. President Trump has forbidden U.S. firms from buying Huawei products, while the...


Mossad Agent Who Befriended a Terrorist & Then Eliminated Him 

Assassination is such a cold-blooded business. How cold-blooded? This report comes The Yeshiva World, a legitimate new site for Israeli religious news. The site interviewed a Mossad agents who helped track down the Palestinians who kidnapped and killed 11 Israel athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Agent D: “It could be he’s smart, strong, intelligent –...

Purpura Impeachment Defense

The Weakest Link: Impeachment and National Security

In the summer of 2016 President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump didn’t agree about much, except for one obscure issue of U.S. foreign policy: lethal military aid to Ukraine. As commander in chief, Obama objected to such assistance, even in the face of a Russian proxy war. So did candidate Trump.  On...