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Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)

Foreign Governments Are Greasing U.S. Think Tank ‘Experts’ With Millions 

Foreign Governments Are Greasing U.S. Think Tank ‘Experts’ With Millions 

One way that foreign governments (and their intelligence services) seek to influence the American government is through donations to Washington think tanks. The top 50 think tanks that shape policy direction and legislation in Washington received over $174 million in foreign money from 2014 to 2018, according to a new analysis conducted by the Foreign Influence Transparency...


Sen. Murphy Asks Intelligence Agencies to Probe Bezos Phone Hack 

Last week’s story about the hacking of Jeff Bezo’s phone won’t go away.The U.N> is investigating and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) wants the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence to investigate as well. From The Hill “The information we have received suggests the possible involvement of the Crown Prince in surveillance of Mr. Bezos,...

Russia's FSB

FSB Blocks ProtonMail After a Wave of Bomb Threats 

If you’re not familiar with it, ProtonMail is a free encrypted email service, meaning if third parties intercept your email they can’t read it. Now the FSB, Russia’s equivalent of the FBI, has banned it. The recent bomb scares are big news in Russia. So is the government’s effort to ban a private communication channel...

US in Ukraine

Impeachment Primer: How Does the U.S. Support the Ukraine Military?

With President Trump’s impeachment trial focuses on the U.S. military assistance to Ukraine, the details of U.S. support are key to understanding the debate in the Senate. The Washington-based Security Assistance Monitor explains what the aid does–and does not–do. U.S. support has grown rapidly since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea, the easternmost part of the Ukraine. After...


Gitmo Testimony Sheds Light on $81 Million CIA Contract for Waterboarding Duo

The continuing testimony of James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, architects of the CIA’s torture program, at a military tribunal in Guantanamo sheds new light on the business side of “enhanced interrogation.” The duo make an appearance in their private jet in The Report, the movie sabout the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation of the CIA torture...