Home Jefferson Morley

Author: Jefferson Morley (Jefferson Morley)


Could the Death of the National Security State be the Silver Lining of COVID-19?

[This article was first published in a wise magazine called Counterpunch. Subscribe here.] Could something good come from the catastrophe of COVID-19? Might the epic insecurity of a plague teach us something about national security? Political scientist Micah Zenko calls the current pandemic “the worst intelligence failure in U.S. history.” Former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman...

Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden and the Threat of ‘Turnkey Authoritarianism’

Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden and the Threat of ‘Turnkey Authoritarianism’

I recently spoke with Barton Gellman, former Washington Post reporter and author of “Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State.” The book comes seven years after Gellman was one of three reporters whom Snowden entrusted with a trove of NSA documents about the inner working of dozens of top secret U.S. surveillance operations....

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Former MI6 Spymaster Claims Wuhan Lab ‘Accident’ Caused COVID. Virologists Disagree

Sir Richard Dearlove  cited an “important” new study by British and Norwegian researchers which he thinks could “shift the debate.” The researchers claim to have discovered clues suggesting key elements were “inserted” into the virus’s genetic sequence and may not have evolved naturally —​ a prospect contested by almost every other scientist studying the virus’s...


The Five Eyes Block the Huawei Challenge

[Inside the Five Eyes: a series: Part 1 |Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 is below]. Once unknown, the Five Eyes is now coming into public view as supra-national surveillance service. The Five Eyes track terrorists and smugglers. They coordinate drone strikes and disaster response. They have the ability to...


Showdown on 16th Street

WASHINGTON DC –The zone of incomprehension was about a foot wide. That was the distance separating a boisterous but peaceful crowd of several hundred protesters and a silent line of several dozen uniformed Airborne Rangers in downtown Washington DC on Wednesday night. A young black woman in long braids patrolled the zone with a bullhorn,...