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Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard: Speak Out Against Wars

The Hawaii congresswoman and Iraq war veteran is the most anti-interventionist candidate in the race. As president Tulsi Gabbard says she would withdraw from foreign wars and redirect defense spending into domestic programs. On the Campaign Trail: In announcing her presidential bid Gabbard, declared she would “bring a soldier’s principles to the White House —...

Elizabeth Warren Washington Times

Elizabeth Warren Stands up for the Rohingya

On The Campaign Trail [Do you like Elizabeth Warren? Tell us why in the comments section. Or DM us @jeffersonmorley. We will publish your comments with minimal editing.] Claiming the Mantle of JFK For her debut speech on issues of war and peace, Senator Elizabeth Warren chose the symbolically potent setting of American University in...

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders: End Disastrous Wars

On The Campaign Trail: The gruff socialist from Vermont is the quintessential Washington outsider a radical reformer. Along with his foreign policy adviser Matt Duss, he says the 2020 election is an opportunity to “reconceptualize” the global order. In his 2016 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sanders avoided issues of war and peace. Now...

2020 Dems

On the Eve of the Debates, a Guide to the 2020 Democrats on War and Peace

WHAT THEY SAY & WHAT THEY WOULD DO MICHAEL BENNET: The Senator from Colorado has been light on foreign policy, but stands with our allies and criticizes reckless military spending…..MORE ON BENNET JOE BIDEN: The former Vice President was among the more dovish of President Obama’s aides but he sees no need for fundamental reform...