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Author: Deep State News Blog

Christopher Steele

The Steele Dossier Looks Weaker Than Ever 

This comes rom a batch of footnotes to a December 2019 report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz that were declassified this month in two tranches, one from the Justice Department and one from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The 400-plus-page document pounded the FBI for its handling of applications under the Foreign...

Deep State Blog In Deep Cover by David Rohde

Inside Trump’s War on the Deep State Agencies

David Rohde, former New York Times reporter, is publishing a book about Trump’s conception of the “deep state.” In an interesting interview with Terry Gross of NPR, Rohde explains how President Trump has successfully politicized the intelligence community and turned his critics among the former spy chiefs into useful foils–even decoys–for his own ambitions. I...

Trump Twitter

Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About

The New York Times has the story about Trump’s unknown powers. They are codified in secret document including draft proclamations, executive orders and proposals for legislation that can be quickly deployed to assert broad presidential authority in a range of worst-case scenarios. They are one of the government’s best-kept secrets. No presidential emergency action document...