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COVID 19 cell

 Australia Intelligence Knocks Down Trump’s Wuhan Lab Virus Claim

Australia’s intelligence agency is saying the same thing U.S. intelligence agencies are saying: it is doubtful that the COVID19 virus came from a Chinese biowarfare lab. Multiple senior intelligence sources who spoke to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in recent days have confirmed that Australia has still not been provided with any evidence...

Turkish intelligence

Türkiye’nin: Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT)

From Top World IntelligenceAgencies In English: (En İyi Dünya İstihbarat Kurumlarından) Modern Türkiye’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ülkenin istihbarat servisini 1925 yılında kurdu. 1985 yılında kurumun adı Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT) olarak değiştirildi ve teşkilat yapılanmasında Başbakanın yetkisinin altına alındı. Türkiye’nin, sınırları içerisinde Kürt azınlıkla olan mücadelesi genellikle uluslararası istihbarat topluluğundaki müttefiklerini ve düşmanlarını belirler. MİT 1950’li...


Venezuela: Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN) (En Español)

De las principales agencias de inteligencia mundial Translation En Ingles: Historia de SEBIN Chávez’s legacy El Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional, SEBIN es la máxima agencia de inteligencia en Venezuela.  La misión declarada de SEBIN es “contribuir a la seguridad general, la defensa y el desarrollo de la nación como un elemento fundamental del sistema nacional de inteligencia y...

Bibi Tweets

With Apparently Fabricated Documents, Netanyahu Pushed War with Iran 

In 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu claimed an intelligence coup. Mossad agents, he said had broken into a warehouse in Tehran and stolen a vast archive of Iran’s nuclear program. The purloined documents, Netanyahu said, showed that Iran lied about its intentions to obtain nuclear weapons. Israel shared the documents with U.S. officials  arguing...

Rudoff Schenker Scorpions

Wild Podcast Tale About CIA & a Heavy Metal Band

A few weeks ago, I asked “Was Modern Art a CIA Psy-Op?” It wasn’t an idle question. The influence of secret intelligence agencies on culture is more complex than you think. Now New Yorker investigative journalist Patrick Radden Keefe is asking, “Did the CIA write Scorpions’ hit song Wind of Change? The Scorpions are a German rock band....