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Intelligence Findings on COVID19 Origins: Not Man-Made or Genetically Modified

“I will tell you, more and more, we’re hearing the story [that the new coronavirus emerged from a Wuhan lab,” President Trump said last April. On April 30, Trump said he had a “high degree of confidence” the new coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Trump said he was “not allowed” to revealed his sources,...

Paul Manafort

The Origins of the Ukraine Conspiracy Theory

It all began with Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, now serving a seven-year prison sentence for bank fraud, tax fraud, money laundering, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, false statements, and witness tampering. Now Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is promoting Manafort’s defense of his felonious behavior: I was looking for the Democratic National...

Trump forgets

DHS Analysts: Trump Defeat May Trigger Right-Wing Terror 

An Aug. 17 Department of Homeland Security analysis also warns of possible election-related attacks. “We assess ideologically-motivated violent extremists and other violent actors could quickly mobilize to threaten or engage in violence against election or campaign-related targets in response to perceived partisan and policy-based grievances,” says the document, which was obtained by Yahoo News. While...


Did Trump Just Kill a $122 Billion Company?

The Chinese telecom is worth more than $120 billion. But for how long? Western intelligence agencies say Huawei will inevitably act in the interests of China’s intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security. Now sanctions imposed by the Trump administration will effectively cut off Huawei from the world’s semi-conductor market. Without the basic components of...