The statement, published in the Washington Post, is a symptom of America’s imperiled democracy. Ten former Secretaries of Defense, including Dick Cheney, vizier of the George Bush’s presidency, are denouncing President Trump’s efforts to overturn his electoral defeat. Although they don’t use the phrase, they say the danger is a military coup, As senior Defense...
Inside the Discord Leak: U.S. Air Force Loves War Gamers Like Teixeira
British Intelligence Privately Says Israel Has Nuclear Weapons But Won’t Admit it Publicly
Mexican President Accuses Pentagon of Spying, Vows to Restrict Military Information
Daniel Ellsberg Week Honors Pentagon Whistleblower
How Twitter Became a Propaganda Tool of U.S. Central Command
Interview With the Father of a Palestinian Fighter Assassinated by Israeli Special Forces
Chinese Police Station in New York Is Part of a Vast Influence Operation
Catch-22 at Guantanamo, or How Due Process Got Undone
Wagner Group Leader Calls for End to Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’
Once Ridiculed, the ‘October Surprise’ Deal Between Reagan and Iran Is Now Confirmed
Two Senators Allege ‘Secret’ CIA spying on Unwitting Americans
UK Spy Agency Says AI Chatbots Pose a Security Threat
How Aerial Surveillance Has Evolved Over the Past 200 Years
Wagner Mercenary Chief Says He Ran Russian Information War
Iranians Outraged After Shah-Era Secret-Police Official Attends U.S. Rally
Israeli-led Disinformation Team Meddled in Dozens of Elections
Director of National Intelligence Barred From Reporting on Domestic Extremists in U.S. Armed Forces
Iranian Intelligence Official Says China in Line to Buy Tehran’s Drones
Former Mossad Chief Urges Compromise on Judicial Shakeup
Author: Deep State News Blog
Россия: Главное разведывательное управление (ГРУ)
(In English: Inside Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate] Заявленная миссия ГРУ заключается в предоставлении военной разведки президенту и правительству России. Дополнительные задачи включают обеспечение военной, экономической и технологической безопасности России. В отличие от других российских спецслужб, Федеральной службы безопасности (ФСБ) и СВР, ГРУ не является министерской организацией. ГРУ подчиняется начальнику генерального штаба и министру обороны, а...
来自世界顶级情报机构 Translation: In English: 中国:国家安全部 新闻中的中国国家安全部 中国国家安全部(MSS)负责政府的外国情报和反情报任务。 尽管有内部动荡的报道,中国情报部门还是取得了许多成功。 在经济间谍领域,联邦调查局认为中国是对美国的最大威胁。 中国国家安全部(MSS)在中国为减少新疆西部维吾尔人的身份和影响而开展的大规模运动中发挥了领导作用。 中国国家安全部(MSS)建立了监视和再教育系统,以实现政府的社会控制和种族同化目标。 美国政府已将中国电信巨头华为列入黑名单,华为涉嫌在产品中制造或允许安全漏洞,以造福中国情报。 解放军的情报部门还通过入侵美国国防部的网络和人类情报渗透在中国情报中发挥了重要作用。 2018年12月,美国检察官指控两名中国国家安全部(MSS)特工在对美国的网络攻击。 据称,这些人入侵了惠普和IBM等技术公司以及美国宇航局和海军部等政府机构的计算机。 他们窃取了技术秘密并获得了服务提供商的访问权,从而实现了大规模的供应链入侵。 中国国家安全部(MSS)是高度机密的,但一连串的叛逃者对其内部运作方式有所了解。 2017年,中国房地产大亨郭文贵声称前中国国家安全部(MSS)副部长马坚给了他内幕消息。 该事件导致该机构内许多高级官员被清除。 中国国家安全部(MSS)的董事是陈文庆,2016年由习主席任命。 来自世界顶级情报机构
Bellingcat: FSB Team of Chemical Weapon Experts Implicated in Alexey Navalny Novichok Poisoning
From the crowd-sourced investigative site bellingcat,a story about the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alex Navalny A joint investigation between Bellingcat and The Insider, in cooperation with Der Spiegel and CNN, has discovered voluminous telecom and travel data that implicates Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) in the poisoning of the prominent Russian opposition politician Alexey...
Россия: Федеральная Служба Безопасности (ФСБ)
From Top World Intelligence Agencies Translation In English: Россия: Федеральная Служба Безопасности (ФСБ) Краткая справка ФСБ – самая крупная в Европе служба безопасности. Согласно информационным данным, в службе трудоустроено 66 000 специалистов. Основанная в 1994 году, ФСБ трансформировалась из бывшей советской КГБ. Это российский эквивалент американской ФБР. Деловые обязанности главы ФСБ состоят в контроле границ, борьбе...