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Deutschlands Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)

Einleitung Deutschlands Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) informiert den deutschen Kanzler über Politik- und politische Entscheidungen bezüglich Außenpolitik und nationaler Sicherheit. Deutschlands unglückliche Erfahrung mit dem Nationalsozialismus der Nazis und Kommunismus von Ostdeutschland waren Grund für die Annahme strenger Datenschutzgesetze, weswegen der BND unter mehr Restriktionen arbeiten muss, als zahlreiche andere Geheimdienste. Ursprünge Der 1956 gegründete BND war...

Special Ops India

‘Special Ops’: A RAW Story in a New Format

There are almost as many cable series about intelligence agencies as there are intelligence agencies. There’s “Pine Gap,” which takes you inside the Five Eyes intelligence alliance. There’s “Mossad 101” about Israel’s famed intelligence service. And now there’s “Special Ops” a streaming hit in India about the once-ignored Research & Analysis Wing. But “Special Ops”...

Operation Raven

With NSA Training, UAE Spies Monitored Rights Activists and Michelle Obama 

From a New York Times story and additional reporting by Al Jazeera: Known as Project Raven, hackers employed state-of-the-art cyber-espionage tools to help the UAE engage in surveillance of other governments, armed groups, and human rights activists critical of the monarchy. Interviews by Reuters news agency in 2019 with former Raven operatives, along with a...

US Embassy, Havana

The Unsolved Mystery of the ‘Havana Syndrome’

The non-profit National Security Archive in Washington has the latest on a mysterious malady that felled two CIA operatives in Cuba and many others. Is it a secret weapon, perhaps developed by the Russians, targeting U.S. intelligence operatives and diplomat? There’s no evidence that. But it’s not clear what could be causing similar symptoms among...

Chen Wenqing/MSS

China’s Top Spy is a Working Class Hero 

SpyTalk on China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS in Chinese) Since its founding in 1983, the MSS has had a preeminent role in China’s vast machinery of domestic repression. But Chen appears set to turn its foreign spying arm into an increasingly effective presence in America and elsewhere during the 2020s, says Nicholas Eftimades, one...