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Over the Horizon

Addicted to Drones: The Overhyping of ‘Over the Horizon’

In the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the Biden Administration has announced the United States has adopted  “Over the Horizon” strategy for intervening against suspected terrorists, “We can’t kill our way to success,” notes former CIA officer Douglas London in Just Security. ” Perhaps the greatest flaw in an “Over the Horizon” strategy,...


Washington Post Calls for an Investigation of COVID’s Origins

Last August, the Office of Director of National National Intelligence published an unclassified paper on the origins of COVID-19 saying the U.S. intelligence community broadly agreed the virus was not a biological weapons but was more divided on the question of whether the virus was genetically engineered. Given those rather equivocal findings, the editors of...

Michael Flynn

Former Trump NSC Adviser Flynn Was Secretly Paid $200,000 in Middle East Nuclear Scheme

Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the shortest-lived national security adviser in U.S. history (24 days), concealed payments from a U.S company seeking to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East. It was known Trump took money. Now SpyTalk (paywall) reports that he took $200,000 more. In June 2017, SpyTalk, then...


Pakistan’s ISI Has a Message for the Taliban: You Owe Us 

From Jonathan Broder at the reliable SpyTalk. You can’t understand Afghanistan without understanding the role of the Pakistani spy agency known as Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI. Islamabad publicly distanced itself from the Taliban, proclaiming Pakistan a loyal ally in the U.S. war on terror. But the ISI covertly continued its support for the group, giving...