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Mossad’s Role in Sudan’s Military Coup

From the well-informed Jonathan Broder at the reliable SpyTalk newsletter: Not only was an Israeli delegation in Khartoum only days before the generals seized power, according to reports, but Israeli officials, including from Mossad, were back in the capital only days after the civilian government was toppled. Jerusalem likes these generals.  It was they who...

Iran gas

Iran Charges U.S. and Israel Behind a  Cyberattack That Disrupted Gas Stations

“We are still unable to say forensically, but analytically I believe it was carried out by the Zionist Regime, the Americans and their agents,” Gholamreza Jalali, head of civil defence which is in charge of cyber security, told state TV in an interview. President Ebrahim Raisi said this week that the cyberattack, which disrupted the...

Imran Khan

Pakistan Powerful Spy Service Gets a New Chief–And a Crisis

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (IS) is a kind of shadow government over the country’s democracy, setting policy in Afghanistan and establishing red lines beyond which elected officials cannot cross. So when Prime Ministers Imran Khan altered the procedure for selecting a successor to ISI chief Faiz Hameed, last month, he set off a political crisis in...


GOP Official Who Challenged Trump’s Vote Claims Gets Top DHS Position on Election Security 

Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman (R) will serve as the senior election lead at CISA, the key agency tasked with securing critical infrastructure, including elections, against cyber threats. CISA came under fire by Trump following the 2020 presidential election for its efforts to push back against election-related disinformation and misinformation, with Trump firing former CISA Director...

Cyberwar graphic

India’s Supreme Court to Investigate Allegations of Pegasus Spyware Abuse

The Pegasus Project, first published in July by a global media consortium that included The Washington Post, revealed that hundreds of numbers from India appeared on the global list of more than 50,000 phone numbers, which included some associated with heads of state. Phone numbers belonging to journalists, activists and political figures in India were found...