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How U.S. Pentagon Hawks Assess Iran and Its Allies

From the pro-CIA Cipher Brief This network of Iranian proxies in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, and possibly elsewhere is what makes Tehran so deadly in the region. It’s a clever method of power projection, honed over decades, because it allows the Iranians to weaken their adversaries and achieve their strategic aims with the fewest...

Classified Documents

6 Startling Revelations From Declassified U.S. Government Documents 

  From HowStuffWorks “The [public] tolerance for the secrecy of these organizations has become smaller,” Pfeiffer says. “There’s a demand by people to have a greater understanding of what their intelligence agencies actually are up to … And the intelligence agencies are incredibly powerful and outrageously secret. So over time, for the intelligence community to...

Putin Vacation

How Cognitive Empathy Could Have Prevented the Ukraine Crisis

I’m now going to do an extended thought experiment that involves putting ourselves in the Russian leader’s shoes—so extended that it goes back to 1998, before Putin was Russia’s leader. And I’m going to argue that a series of American presidents—Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama—have led us toward the current crisis by...

US in Ukraine

What Is the CIA’s Role in Ukraine?

On the SpyTalk podcast, David Maxwell, a former Green Beret trainer talks up a CIA-trained unconventional war-fighting force in Ukraine. Maxwell envisions a U.S.-sponsored resistance force to fight against the possible Russian invasion. He also says the mission of the Green Berets is “to free the oppressed,” which is propaganda, not an argument for intervention....