Reuters debunks a popular social media fantasy about CIA director Gina Haspel.
A November 29 Facebook post (flagged as bogus by Facebook) claimed that five special forces troops and a CIA official were killed in the raid and Haspel was flown to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO) where she was treated and “received a tribunal for treason”.
The claim adds that Haspel “agreed to help Trump for a lighter sentence of life which can be revoked if she chooses not to cooperate”. The article includes grammar and spelling errors, misspelling Haspel’s name as “Hasple”.
The claim seems to stem from a conspiracy theory about the United States military seizing election servers from electronic voting company Scytl in Germany. Reuters Fact Check previously debunked this claim, here .
Scytl said in a statement that the U.S. army had not seized anything from them, and they do not have offices in Germany ( here , here ).
CIA spokesperson Nicole de Haay told Reuters via email: ““Well…this is the most absurd inquiry I’ve ever addressed, but I’m happy to tell you that Director Haspel is alive and well and at the office.”
The claims that Haspel was arrested and injured in a CIA raid or that she was found dead are false. The posts on social media present no source or evidence for their claims. The raid of the building where these posts claim she was arrested or injured did not take place.
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