John Ratcliffe

The last time Trump attempted to name Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican as Director of National Intelligence, the White House had to pull his nomination. Ratclffe, according to multiple news reports had padded his resume with a false claims Ratcliffe claimed to have overseen the prosecution of terrorists in Atlanta. His former colleagues said he had done no such thing. Congressional Republicans objected and the nomination died.

After his Senate acquittal for impeachment, Trump nominated Ratcliffe again. Confirmation hearings started Tuesday with another report about his delusional behavior.  Ratcliffe, it turns out, is a connoisseur of bizarre conspiracy theories.

His Twitter feed discloses the story.

The conspiracy theorists followed by Ratcliffe, whose nomination for director of national intelligence goes before the Senate intelligence committee Tuesday morning, cover a bizarre range of beliefs. They posit that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death to help Trump to take down the Deep State. Others claim a Democratic sex dungeon exists in in a Washington pizzeria. But Ratcliffe and the QAnon promoters he follows have one thing in common: utter loyalty to Trump.

Source: John Ratcliffe, Trump’s Pick for Intelligence Chief, Follows a Slew of QAnon Accounts