A new report from the New America think tank in Washington raises the possibility that the U.S. drone against suspected terrorists in Pakistan may be over.
The last American drone strike in Pakistan, according to New America’s research, occurred on July 4, 2018 when a U.S. drone killed Qari Abdullah Dawar, the chief commander of the Hafiz Gul Bahadur group of the Taliban, as he was walking in the Tor Tangai area of North Waziristan.
The question of whether Trump has ended the drone war can’t be answered with andy certainty because the whole subject is shrouded in official secrecy. But the difference between Trump and his predecessor is clear.
Even when the Trump administration did conduct strikes in Pakistan, it never came close to the number of strikes that occurred during the peak of the campaign when the Obama administration conducted 122 strikes in 2010. Since 2015, the United States has conducted no more than 10 strikes in Pakistan in a calendar year, according to New America’s count.
Source: Pakistan Set to Mark One Year with No U.S. Drone Strikes: Is the War Over?