MICHAEL BENNET: The Senator from Colorado has been light on foreign policy, but stands with our allies and criticizes reckless military spending…..MORE ON BENNET

JOE BIDEN: The former Vice President was among the more dovish of President Obama’s aides but he sees no need for fundamental reform of the U.S. national security apparatus … MORE ON BIDEN

CORY BOOKER: The junior senator from New Jersey has positioned himself as the candidate most opposed to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement that seeks to curb Israeli expansionism. … MORE ON BOOKER

PETE BUTTIGIEG: Buttigieg, a former naval intelligence officer, supports Israel and the War Powers Act … MORE ON BUTTIGIEG

JOHN DELANEY A self-funding Congressman from Maryland, Delaney is a former CEO whose foreign policy flows from his faith in free-trade economics … MORE ON DELANEY

JULIAN CASTRO: The former cabinet secretary and mayor has made a detailed immigration reform proposal the center of his presidential bid … MORE ON CASTRO

TULSI GABBARD: The Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq war veteran is the most outspoken anti-interventionist in the field … MORE ON GABBARD

KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND: The New York senator combines opposition to U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria with hawkish positions on Venezuela and Iran … MORE ON GILLIBRAND

KAMALA HARRIS: The foreign policy views of the junior senator from California are unclear except on her signature issue, cybersecurity … MORE ON HARRIS

JAY INSLEE: The two-term Washington governor defines the U.S. security challenges with a single phrase “Defeat Climate Change.” MORE ON INSLEE.

AMY KLOBUCHAR: The senior senator from Minnesota does not stray far from the Washington orthodoxy … MORE ON KLOBUCHAR

BETO O’ROURKE: Where other candidates have gone along with the policy consensus in Washington, the former Texas Congressman sometimes broke with it … MORE ON O’ROURKE

SETH MOULTON: The congressman and ex-Marine from Massachusetts says military service and national security issues will be central to his candidacy if he runs … MORE ON MOULTON

BERNIE SANDERS: The socialist senator from Vermont insists on a fundamental change in direction of U.S. foreign policy … MORE ON SANDERS

ELIZABETH WARREN: The Massachusetts senator positions herself, like President John F. Kennedy, as an agent of responsible change in U.S. foreign policy … MORE ON WARREN

ANDREW YANG: The Silicon Valley social entrepreneur has three foreign policy goals: make it harder for the U.S. to engage militarily, rebuild traditional alliances and control defense spending. MORE ON YANG